What do you get?

The commemorative service allows you to keep all your memories in one place and to pay tribute to the person who owed you their life in a dignified way.

  1. Personalized memorial page
  2. GPS location of the grave site
  3. Comemory Cloud (photo gallery)
  4. Obituaries and condolences directly from the website
  5. A page with memories and recollections
  6. QR code to be placed on the tombstone

And make sure the precious memories live on.

Every life is special.

Behind every man, there’s a family that remembers.

Our mission is to provide everyone with an easy and respectful way to celebrate life.

And make sure the precious memories live on


What people say
about Comemorial

“We visit our grandma's memorial once a year since it's in her hometown. We cry, laugh, share and always start by looking at photos of her on Comemorial and remember what an amazing woman she was. We were so lucky to have her in our lives.“



“When my wife died I was devastated, but now, every time I come to her grave and look at all the photos of her that our family shared on Comemorial, I immediately cheer up. She was an amazing woman, always smiling and loved by everyone.“



“My family got Comemorial for our late uncle. He had a troubled life, but now when I see all the loving memories everyone put on his memory page I know he had a happy life. He loved us all, even though he couldn't show it sometimes. I miss him...”



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